Above — Ponto de Fuga & Tropicália patterns.


Sisters Collection
Pattern design

In this collaboration with Brazilian swimwear brand FLEE, I had the great joy of working with fashion designer Amanda Esmeraldo, who created all of the pieces in this collection.

Amanda is also my beautiful and talented sister, which is why we named the collaboration Coleção Irmãs (“Sisters Collection”.)

The patterns I created were inspired by classic Brazilian motifs like the rich tropical flora,  typical fruits of the Northeast region (where we and the brand are from), and Modernist architecture.

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Above — Frutas & Tropicália patterns.

Above — Tropicália pattern.

Pattern Design

Marina Esmeraldo

Fashion Design

Amanda Esmeraldo


Anie Barreto




Marina Esmeraldo is a Brazilian illustrator and visual artist based in Barcelona. She speaks five and a half languages, loves travelling and the sea, and is currently obsessed with outdoor sketching, film photography and subconscious reprogramming.

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